This year, Christina will be in first grade and Gwen will be in Pre-K. It may seem like fun and games since they are still so little, but let me tell you, I can feel the pressure of all that they need to be learning at this age. Reading is no easy task and we still aren't there yet with Christina (and Gwen is still learning her letters!), so yeah, I'm a little stressed. Gwen's hearing loss also adds another challenge.
Can you believe my girls are getting so big? Olivia is now 19 months old and I'm pretty sure I practically abandoned this blog since she was born. Although I love to write and I want to be able to keep track of what is going on with the kids here (so that I can always go back and re-read), it isn't always feasible for me to make time. I mean goodness, it has been a year since I even posted last! Sadly, I'm not sure how long it will be before I post again.
I have a little lull at work right now, as in just today, for like the next hour or so, but otherwise my days have been pretty busy. I've been essentially dedicated full time on two separate programs. Thank goodness, that won't last much longer and work should be less hectic. But, when I'm not at work, or I should say - when the kids are not at school/daycare - well let's just say that you can count me out of pretty much anything like writing on a blog (aka spending time doing something for myself that doesn't demand a place on my to do list). Life is busy with three kids under six!
When I'm not taking care of the kids, the house, or work, I am usually too exhausted to do anything fun just for me. But, I'd like to try! The truth is, with Olivia getting a little older, I do have more hands free time. Both Olivia and Gwen are awesome at playing and entertaining themselves, alone or together (Christina, not so much). This sometimes means that I can sit and do something on my computer while the kids play. Thank goodness for that because I have needed to spend some of that time working lately, but I've also started on our vacation photo book on Shutterfly. I'm super excited about it and fully expect to work on it for the next month or so (to get it JUST right!)
I'm enjoying myself so much that now I have a list of ten other photo books I'd like to make. But oh yes, school is starting. That changes everything! Now we get to go back to homework every night. Piano practice too. Checking everything that comes home in their book bags from events to behavior reports to school work. I'll be writing out checks every week for a class shirt, a school field trip or spirit week, etc. I'll have to stay on top of laundry for uniforms that need to be worn each week. I'll have to start getting the kids up earlier each morning and hoping that the lack of sleep doesn't cause them to get sick.
Getting sick really throws a wrench in things. When one gets sick, it is almost impossible for one or both of the other girls to get sick. In fact, usually at least one parent gets sick too. In fact, three (possibly four) of us are sick right at this very moment. I have gone into crazy Mom mode and am making everyone use hand sanitizer every two seconds, wash hands with soap and water after a sneeze to the hands or any other time I suspect germs lol, I forbid they even THINK of sharing food, and we increase our vitamin intake. And, oh yes, nap time anyone? I mean come on guys, school starts next week! No time for germs people!