Friday, May 27, 2011

Because you were dying to know

These girls of mine are a riot.  They make me laugh like no one else could and they make me smile even when I am just thinking of them.  Although I have to say that the "funny face" and "funny noise" that Nik taught Christina is not so funny to me. 

But, the girls continue to get their happy and silly personalities from their Daddy, so it's all good.  I am so lucky to have such happy girls.  Gwen literally has been so happy lately that she just kicks her legs and throws her hands up as she giggles and smiles - over and over again.  I don't think there has ever been a happier baby and let me tell you, Christina was really happy when she was a baby, but I'm pretty sure Gwen is topping that. 

As a toddler, Christina is still very happy, but she also has the attitude that comes along with learning that she is now an individual and she can say and do things even when Mommy or Daddy tells her not to.  I think her favorite phrases are "I'm mad at you" and "I'm happy with you".  Bipolar, no??  She realizes that she can choose how she wants to act (and react).  So sometimes she will do the opposite of what we ask, because isn't that so much more fun?

"Christina, don't lean over the tub like that"

"Christina, don't feed that to your sister"

Christina likes to rally everyone together though and I enjoy so much when I hear her say "come on everybody guys".  It is just too cute.  Gwen doesn't like to be left out either and will make sure you know it.  Now that she is crawling, cruising and just plain zooming around the house, she now has the means to follow us where ever we go.  (Not that we are trying to lose her or anything, lol)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Baby pile up

It is obvious that these babies love each other . . . and sometimes love can hurt.  They will love each other until someone's head pops off if we let them.  Take a look at some great shots from this past weekend. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I still want to see the rest of the movie though

A few days ago when we got home from school early (daycare and work), Christina wanted to put on a movie.  Monsters vs Aliens was on demand and I was interested.  I know it is a kids movie, so I thought it would be ok for her.  I didn't think Christina would actually watch it, I thought it would more or less be on in the background.  Well, the first ten minutes of the movie, Christina watched, she really watched.

Have you ever seen the movie?  In the beginning, a girl gets hit by a meteor and then gets really really big (like a giant).  It freaked Christina out so bad that she yelled, "Turn it off Mommy!  Turn it off!"  I felt really bad, but figured that it would be ok once I turned it off.  Unfortunately I was wrong. 

Ever since then, Christina keeps talking about getting bigger and growing up.  She tells me "I don't want to grow up" and "I don't want to get bigger".  She talks about the girl getting bigger and asks if I am going to get bigger, if she is going to get bigger, etc.  I tried to explain that the movie was pretend and that although we are all going to grow up and get bigger, we won't get that big.  I also tried to make it all funny by making fun of the people in the movie that were screaming and running from the giant.  I told her no one wants to grow up and I sang the Toys-R-Us song.  I even went the route of explaining that if she didn't grow up, she wouldn't have a birthday or a birthday cake or birthday presents.  Nothing seemed to help.  She even woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to sleep with us.  The first thing she said was "I don't want to get bigger".

My poor baby.  I traumatized her!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My new job: birthing coach

Even though Mindy wasn’t sure she wanted anyone in the room with her during the delivery, well who am I kidding, even though she was sure she DIDN’T want anyone in the room with her, we all kind of, sort of, ignored her. It wasn’t like she was telling us to leave and we just didn’t go. It was more like, we knew she would want us there, so we just showed up, lol. And no, Mindy is not the type of person to let us stay just because she felt bad kicking us out. Nope, she knew she needed us.

I was just going to sit back and let my Mom and cousin help her through delivery, but then my Mom stepped away to use the bathroom. I jumped in there, because duh, she needed some help what with all of the pushing she was doing, trying to get a seven and half pound baby OUT of her. So, I counted for her during her pushes and I counted LOUD and with PURPOSE. I was a cheerleader in school after all. After we got from one to ten, I told her to breath, reminded her that she was doing a great job and then we counted again. Mindy did wonderful. She needed the counting to help her focus on pushing and I was happy to do it. Apparently, I was just what she needed because Mom was downgraded to a leg holder. I don’t think she minded though.

Two and a half hours of pushing, lots of screaming, lots of counting (well, on my part - didn't you read the paragraph above?), and a few "Get him out of me!" and "I can't do this" 's later, Cael Aiden was born.  I know, I know, this is not brand new news.  I have already introduced you to this bundle of joy:

But, I failed to mention what a vital role I played in the delivery.  Well, let's be honest, I'm sure anyone could have done my job, but how cool is it that I was able to do it?  My Mom has now watched the delivery of my first born and my sisters first born.  Her exact words after witnessing such miracles - "I'm done".  She has tapped out her ability to stand by while one of her daughter's goes through so much pain.  Plus there is the waiting around for hours on end, the worrying whenever a monitor goes off, and lets not forget all of the disgusting stuff that goes on in a delivery room.  I can see why she doesn't want to do it again.  For me, Mindy's got me on reserve.  Apparently I did such a good job that she wants me for the next baby (if and when that might happen).  Go me.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Holiday's

If you like your family, the holiday's can be wonderful. You get to spend quality time with people that either you never get to see or people you see every day but just don't ever spend much time with. If you don't like your family, well I guess the holiday's can be pretty daunting. You have to smile for the camera, you have to help out in the kitchen, you have conversations that you really don't care about (but act like you do). I guess that is why the holidays bring presents and food. Presents and food have to make you happy, right?
Well Easter and Mother's Day might not be high on the holiday list, but they are still pretty important to those that celebrate. This year was the first year that we really did something special as a family. When I say as a family, I mean my new family - Nik, the girls and I.

I have always had very memorable Easter's with my parents and siblings. I remember dressing up fancy for church, getting Easter baskets, eating tons of chocolate bunnies, dying eggs, and the egg hunts of course. Mother's Day was always about flowers, going out to eat, and trying to make Mom feel special. These were good times.

Now I am a Mom and have my own little family. This year was Gwen's first Easter. My Mom bought them cute Easter dresses, so we had "dress up fancy for church" easily crossed off the list. My Mom also helped out with the Easter baskets which was a first for Christina. I tried to limit the chocolate consumption, but boy that girl is a nut for junk food. We didn't dye eggs since I think she is still too little for that, but we did do a few egg hunts. Gwen was too little to participate in any of the activities, but she did look pretty in her dress. Isn’t that what matters most? :-)

After church on Easter Sunday, we went to my cousin's house (Elizabeth and Richard). They prepared an awesome meal for us and afterwards we had a couple of egg hunts. We had one for the kids, and one for the older crowd (who aren't ready to give up the egg hunts). My sister, Mindy, was even able to bring her one week old baby to join us for the day. We had a great time!

My Mom really wanted a picture of the girls with their hats.  Gwen didn't mind it for a little while.

Christina wouldn't keep the hat on long enough for me to take a picture.

Elizabeth and Richard got the girls little Easter baskets with some goodies.

Cael slept the entire day.

The girls loved their baskets and all of the fun stuff inside.

Just like an angel . . .

After the baskets and lunch, we started the kids Easter egg hunt.  But before I show you how that went, I have to tell you about the hunt at school earlier in the week.  Christina didn't exactly "get it".  My Mom and I had to urge her to go after the egg's even though they were laying all over the place (not hidden at all).  Here are some pictures from daycare that day and a video of part of the Easter Egg hunt:

My Mom was able to come join the fun.

Yummy breakfast

Waiting for the Easter Bunny to hide the eggs

Looking at the eggs . . .

Staring into space . . .

Watching the other kids . . .

Still not into it . . .

By the time Easter came around and Christina did the Easter egg hunt at our cousin's house, Christina totally knew what to do.  Can you see the difference?  First I have a video, it is a little lengthy, but it is cute.  Then, take a look at the pictures.

And . . . we're off . . .

"Where are those eggs?"

"I see one!"

"More eggs!"

"Look at how many eggs I have!"

"Oh look, there are more!"

The weather was gorgeous on Easter and we all enjoyed watching the girls hunt for their Easter Eggs.

After the little ones had their fun, so did some of the big kids . . .

On Mother's Day, my sister and I got the kids together again to hang out and to go out to lunch. Nik was wonderful and spent all day with us girls (plus the baby boy who spent most of the day sleeping and eating).

We finally got some pictures of my girls with Baby Cael (yay!)  Here are all of the good pictures from Mother's Day (and I feel so bad that we didn't take any with Nik :-( I'm thankful he was the willing photographer though)

heart shaped ring pop, yum

Me and my girls!

She ran away from the camera, but there is such a thing as zoom, haha

Hanging out . . .

Our babies.

Christina is in the middle of it all, just where she belongs.

Three years ago it was just me and Mindy, look at us now!

She is loving that ring pop

Nice to see him with his eyes open for a change.

Gwen is so entertained by her big sister.

My baby is getting so big - time to have another one I think :-)

Hansome little fella

Thinny Minny (losing the baby weight so fast!)

Me and my girls.

She makes a funny face after each taste of the lemon, yet she keeps on sucking it.

Typical toddler, refusing to smile.

Hey Look!  There is a picture of Nik afterall.  Nice of him to teach his daughter how to make ugly faces.

Gwen is showing off her new teeth!  She has FOUR now.  Two on top and two on bottom.

Love it!

One smile out of three isn't so bad when you are dealing with little one's.

Sisters and their babies.  How cute :-)

Cael is totally loving this swing.  It is the swing that keeps on giving.  My friend Marissa gave it to me for Christina, then Gwen used it and now Cael will enjoy the benefits of it.  Thanks Marissa!!

Mommy and son.

Playing nicely.

Christina just wants to be near the baby.

And wants to touch the baby . .

He's got a good stretch going.

I had to bribe her to smile here, lol. She will do anything for Skittles.