Sunday, February 12, 2012

Free stuff

I love it when the weekly deals match up with my coupons and I can get stuff for free.  Check out all of the free stuff I have gotten over the last few weeks:

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Finally - a Christmas update

Christmas seems so long ago and yet Christina still sees red and talks about Santa, whenever I mention the Mall CC says she wants to visit Santa, and she just finally stopped asking if we could "countdown to Christmas".  I would say that this year was a huge success!  Both girls are absolutely in love with so many of their presents this year.  Even though they still got way more gifts then they needed, I am happy that they are really enjoying them.  We also had a great visit with Grandma, Granddad and Auntie Rachel (as well as our local family).  It means so much to us to have family gathered together for Christmas.  (Oh yeah, and I got an iPhone - woot woot!!)