I was the first of my friends to get a car. I was very anxious to drive to and from school (even though I only lived a few blocks away), and I was more than happy to give all of my friends a ride. I got into a routine where I'd leave the house about an hour before I had to be at school, just so I could make my rounds and pick up 4 or 5 of my friends. Of course my best friend was on my list and so was Nik.
It was always fun to be able to socialize a little before the day really started. And considering my friends lived very far from school, I'm sure they enjoyed the ride as well.
I must say though, parking was the most annoying part of every morning. Nik just had to give me a hard time about my parallel parking. He couldn't possibly be nice and keep his mouth shut, nope! Even when I'd make the slightest pause, the smallest mistake, or good forbid I had to start over, Nik would tease me to no end! I soon learned that his teasing would never stop, but somehow I'd get use to it.
It was one of those days during that year, that I started to notice Nik as more than just a friend. He hopped into my car one day, smelling amazing from the cologne he had just put on, and I looked into the rear view mirror, seeing him like I'd never seen him before. He was different somehow and I knew that from then on our releationship would be different, even if he didn't know it.
And he wouldn't know it, not for another year or so. I said nothing to him, nor to anyone else. That's not how I did things. I continued our friendship and patiently waited for the day when he would like me.
Years later I would find out that he liked me all along.
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