So I found out I was pregnant on New Years Eve. Isn’t that just the perfect way to ring in the new year? That night was very exciting for Nik and I, but by the following week . . not so much. I couldn’t focus on my excitement about the baby because I was sooo sick! Morning sickness hit me, and hard. I was sick for five weeks straight, so honestly during that time even if I wanted to post the news here, I wouldn’t have been able to. I neglected email, housework, phone calls, WORK! Thank goodness I’m much better now. I can actually function like a normal person and now I can plan and be excited about my little growing baby.
In my book, it’s a great accomplishment to make it passed the morning sickness phase. Because honestly, for awhile, I was getting worried. I was having thoughts like I’d never be able to have another baby again, and for someone that wants three or four kids – that’s just crazy! So now that I’m thinking clearly again, I am so thankful that the first trimester is practically over.
I’m told the second trimester is going to bring: my appetite back, my baby bump, feeling my baby move around, cravings, more energy, maternity clothes . . . and one thing I know for sure, is that it will mean lots and lots of reading/researching.
Since I am a planner through and through, this whole baby thing is an exciting and scary thing. I want to read and research, but at the same time because I’m a planner, I am going to have to give in at some point to the fact that I don’t have all that much control over this whole situation. I want to be really ready when the baby comes. I want to know what to do and how to do it in any given situation. But, I KNOW that isn’t possible. So this whole process is going to be interesting, to say the least.
i can't wait to see your bump!! hehe