I know every expecting parent must say this, but oh my goodness, the ultrasound was AMAZING!!! We got to see our little baby moving around like crazy for a good hour while the tech. took measurements and pictures. Our little one certainly is rowdy. He/she was definitely entertaining us even more than we expected.
But other than that, it was just unbelievable to see that little one and know it is growing inside me. All of this time I've known that I was pregnant, gone through the sickness stage, gotten the idea into my head that my little one is coming, but it still doesn't compare to actually seeing it for myself. Plus, we got to hear the heartbeat, which was so cool.
Right before our baby started settling down in there, it decided to do something really silly. It got in a sitting up position, with its legs out and arms up, as if it was flexing its muscles. We all (Nik, me, and the tech) started laughing. Take a look at this . . . . do you see the family resemblance?
Nik and I (taken Dec. 06):

Baby K (taken Feb. 08):

I can't get over how cute that is!! I wish I could have been there with you. I don't want to miss seeing you with your big pregnant belly, I'm definitly coming to your shower. Whenever it may be <3 Mindy