Christina Corinne:
- can sit up unassisted
- is officially crawling . . . but so far, only backwards
- waved to her Daddy (on one occasion)
- grabbed the spoon out of my hands and tried to feed herself the other day
- wants everything that is off limits
- still hasn't gotten her first tooth but is teething like crazy
- loves to play while on her tummy
- will only sleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed or in the car
- really enjoys shopping and daycare
- is completely fascinated with Amstel and Shadow (our dogs)
- smiles at pretty much everything
- will eat anything I give her
- loves to stand and has the strength to do it on her own but not the balance
- knows how to sign the word milk and understands a handful of other signs
- is still the cutest baby in the world
And here are pictures that have been sitting on my camera (some for over a month):
Christina and Granny:
Christina and Mommy:
Having fun with Danah and Aunt Mackenzie:
Christina and Grandma:
Here is Christina with Mommy, Edonia and William. Edonia and William are my friend Jennifer's children. We were at William's 1st birthday party.
And here is Jennifer with Christina:
Christina loves her food:
We are visiting Ruth, Adam and their triplets. Here is a picture with Ruth and Naomi (one of the triplets):
This one is the same day, with Grandma:
Christina fell asleep in the car with her hood over her eyes . . so cute!
Christina was having a great time on Daddy's shoulders, pulling and playing with his hair:
Christina loved her day with Bobchi, Papou, Uncle Alex, Aunt Cassie and Cassie's boyfriend Kevin:
Snuggle and playtime with Daddy after her bath:
Quick visit with Uncle Scott and Aunt Rachel:
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