Nine months of carrying my baby in my belly and nine months of loving her before and then after her birth day . . . nine months of watching her grow and change . . . nine months of loving her with all of my heart, and more . . . nine months of getting to know her personality and realizing that she is her own unique individual . . . there were nine months when she was just mine and since then nine more to share her with her family and friends.
Then and Now . . .
Christina was born at 7 pounds even and since then she has gained an additional 10 pounds, which puts her at a healthy 17 pounds. That so happens to be the same weight as our dog Amstel.
Christina was born at 20.5 inches long and now she is approaching 27.5 inches. According to the pediatrician, she is of "average" height. But, I think she is going to be tall. She has outgrown her infant carseat due to her length and she is now (finally) sporting a brand new convertible car seat (my big girl!)
Christina was born with a head full of dark hair. Over nine months she lost it all and it grew back much lighter. Now it is a very light brown color and I'm sure in the sun this summer it will continue to get lighter.
When Christina was born, she looked a lot like her Daddy when he was a baby. Not only did she have the dark hair, but she had olive skin. The shape of her face was very similiar to his. Now, along with the lighter hair, Christina's skin has also lightened up quite a bit. She now is fair skinned like me, and she has held on to her blue eyes from birth (just like her Mama). Now that her hair is long enough to put up in a "pony tail", the shape of her face seems more oval like me, instead of round like her Dad. So, now she looks more like me as a baby. And even still, some days I look at her and see her Dad, some days I look at her and see myself. It is a real mystery as to who she will end up looking like.
As all baby's do, Christina started off as a fragile infant that couldn't control her own body or even see across the room. Now, she is an active (and wild) little girl with a mind of her own. Not only can she see across the room, but she can crawl across the room after a toy, the dogs, or anything she wants to get her hands on. She can determine what she wants, hunt it down, grab it, put it in her mouth, and scream with delight!
I can remember so clearly holding toys above CC's head, shaking rattles, holding up mirrors, trying to get her attention. I remember being a little disappointed that she was not interested in toys. I remember when the only thing she cared about was Mommy's milk, and a cuddle from someone that she loved. Now, she can find hours of entertainment in toys and will respond with smiles and squeals if you attempt to entertain her. Thank goodness she also still seems to love her cuddles.
I remember when she didn't pay any attention to the dogs and now she follows them around the house. She smiles and screams whenever they run into the room and she finds endless fun in trying to catch Amstel's feet.
I remember when Christina was so scrawny and my hand next to her seemed monster sized. I remember her infant clothes hanging off of her because they were just so big. Now, she is growing so fast that I never know what will fit her.
Nine months went by so fast, soon you will be a year old, soon you will be walking, soon you will no longer sit still for a change or a meal, you will continue to grow into your own person and I just hope it doesn't go too fast. I love you baby girl!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Week 3 - Last Chance!
Christina did not win Week 2 of Battle of the Babies :-(
But, we have one last chance!! This is the last week of the contest and if she wins, she will be in the finals against the winner of Week 1:

and the winner of Week 2:

For Christina's last chance, I submitted this photo:

The contest runs from Friday May 22nd to 12am on Monday, June 1st. You can vote once each day. Please vote for Christina (10 is best), by clicking here.
Thank you so much for all of your support. I know many of you have voted for my little girl and we really appreciate. This is our week!!
But, we have one last chance!! This is the last week of the contest and if she wins, she will be in the finals against the winner of Week 1:

and the winner of Week 2:

For Christina's last chance, I submitted this photo:

The contest runs from Friday May 22nd to 12am on Monday, June 1st. You can vote once each day. Please vote for Christina (10 is best), by clicking here.
Thank you so much for all of your support. I know many of you have voted for my little girl and we really appreciate. This is our week!!
Posted by
Megan K
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
And yet, I've already had a baby
Someone was asking questions about an epidural. She wanted to know if you are completely numb and if you feel when you are actually delivering the baby. At her birthing class, she was told that the epi gets turned down when it is time to push. This is so that you can feel the contractions and know when to push.
Well, I was explaining to her that I didn't feel anything. I guess no one turned my epi down, because the nurse had to tell me when to push. It was very weird because I didn't feel like I was pushing, I didn't feel like I was delivering a baby, I didn't feel anything! And yet, out she came!
I'm glad that it worked out that way. Everything went great and I didn't have to feel any pain. Now the weird thing is that while I was telling this woman about my experience and even now while I am typing it - I feel completely nauseous! It is as if I don't stop talking (typing) ASAP, I might black out!!
This is how I have always been with blood, needles, etc. It's like high school health class all over again when they had a speaker talking about steriods. I got so queasy that I lost my vision and hearing. I was sweating like crazy and knew I had to get out of there. Somehow I made it out into the hall (without seeing anything!) and had to lay down on the floor to keep from passing right out!
How did I have a baby again? Oh, and how am I going to do this three more times??
Well, I was explaining to her that I didn't feel anything. I guess no one turned my epi down, because the nurse had to tell me when to push. It was very weird because I didn't feel like I was pushing, I didn't feel like I was delivering a baby, I didn't feel anything! And yet, out she came!
I'm glad that it worked out that way. Everything went great and I didn't have to feel any pain. Now the weird thing is that while I was telling this woman about my experience and even now while I am typing it - I feel completely nauseous! It is as if I don't stop talking (typing) ASAP, I might black out!!
This is how I have always been with blood, needles, etc. It's like high school health class all over again when they had a speaker talking about steriods. I got so queasy that I lost my vision and hearing. I was sweating like crazy and knew I had to get out of there. Somehow I made it out into the hall (without seeing anything!) and had to lay down on the floor to keep from passing right out!
How did I have a baby again? Oh, and how am I going to do this three more times??
Posted by
Megan K
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Only a couple of days left
The Battle of the Babies continues and I think Christina might have a shot this time. I know many of you have been voting for her and I just want to say Thank You!! Please continue to vote and support the cutiest baby ever, lol.
If you haven't voted yet, we could still use your help! There are only a couple of days left. The voting ends on Monday at 12am.
Just click here and it will take you directly to the page to vote for Christina.
If you want to pass along the link to vote (remember, every vote counts!), here is the direct link -
Thanks again!!
If you haven't voted yet, we could still use your help! There are only a couple of days left. The voting ends on Monday at 12am.
Just click here and it will take you directly to the page to vote for Christina.
If you want to pass along the link to vote (remember, every vote counts!), here is the direct link -
Thanks again!!
Posted by
Megan K
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
My daughter is CRAZY
Christina is now 17 pounds and 27 inches long. She has basically outgrown her infant car seat. Now I need to buy a convertible car seat and just install it already. I'm dragging my feet on that, mostly due to the fact that I'm not ready for my baby to be a big girl. I know everyone says it goes by quick, but seriously, where did the last eight and a half months go?
Christina is not a little baby anymore, she is more of a person that just can't talk (at least that is how Nik puts it). And, not only is she a little person, but she is a CRAZY little person. I wish I could put into words how hilarious she is.
When Nik or I lay her down to go to sleep, she becomes a different baby/person. She gets crazy and starts rolling around, crawling, scratching, kicking, pulling, biting, licking, clawing and bouncing back up from her craziness with a huge evil grin from ear to ear. She will literally start licking my arm up and down for no apparent reason. She will pull my shirt up and go for my stomach, licking, biting and scratching. She has left actual scabs on me from her scratching! She shakes her head no over and over again with a smile on her face. She goes plunging into my chest with her mouth wide open sucking at anything that she can get. Then if she hits the right spot, she sucks some milk and pulls off to spit it back out at me!
Is my little baby a vampire, a werewolf or simply just a monster when it is time to go to bed?
At first it was funny, actually it still is funny. But, seriously . . . what is going on??? I've heard of children acting out when bedtime comes, but this is something entirely different. It doesn't matter how sleepy she is, if you put her down in the bed, all bets are off.
Why is my baby so crazy!! Seriously, words are not enough to describe the transformation that takes place. Oh how I wish I could capture it on video. Maybe I will try to make that my goal over the next week or two. I'll have to bring CC to bed and have Nik follow us in with a video camera. Maybe it's the bed, maybe it's the room, I don't know but there is definitely something going on!
Behind that crazy girl though, is my loveable, beautiful angel. And speaking of beautiful . . (you know it's coming) . . . don't forget to vote for her in the Battle of the Babies. Voting ends on Monday at 12am. You can vote EVERYDAY! Click here to vote!
Christina is not a little baby anymore, she is more of a person that just can't talk (at least that is how Nik puts it). And, not only is she a little person, but she is a CRAZY little person. I wish I could put into words how hilarious she is.
When Nik or I lay her down to go to sleep, she becomes a different baby/person. She gets crazy and starts rolling around, crawling, scratching, kicking, pulling, biting, licking, clawing and bouncing back up from her craziness with a huge evil grin from ear to ear. She will literally start licking my arm up and down for no apparent reason. She will pull my shirt up and go for my stomach, licking, biting and scratching. She has left actual scabs on me from her scratching! She shakes her head no over and over again with a smile on her face. She goes plunging into my chest with her mouth wide open sucking at anything that she can get. Then if she hits the right spot, she sucks some milk and pulls off to spit it back out at me!
Is my little baby a vampire, a werewolf or simply just a monster when it is time to go to bed?
At first it was funny, actually it still is funny. But, seriously . . . what is going on??? I've heard of children acting out when bedtime comes, but this is something entirely different. It doesn't matter how sleepy she is, if you put her down in the bed, all bets are off.
Why is my baby so crazy!! Seriously, words are not enough to describe the transformation that takes place. Oh how I wish I could capture it on video. Maybe I will try to make that my goal over the next week or two. I'll have to bring CC to bed and have Nik follow us in with a video camera. Maybe it's the bed, maybe it's the room, I don't know but there is definitely something going on!
Behind that crazy girl though, is my loveable, beautiful angel. And speaking of beautiful . . (you know it's coming) . . . don't forget to vote for her in the Battle of the Babies. Voting ends on Monday at 12am. You can vote EVERYDAY! Click here to vote!
Posted by
Megan K
Monday, May 11, 2009
Every vote counts!
The Battle of the Babies Week 2 contest is on and we need your vote!! It is super easy this time around, just click here and it will take you directly to the page to vote for Christina.
If you haven't voted at all yet, it only takes a second to register and then you can vote from now on without having to enter anything more than your email address.
Christina and I really appreciate all of your votes. We are counting on all of you out there! Remember you can vote every day! This week of the contest ends Monday, May 18th at 12am.
If you haven't voted at all yet, it only takes a second to register and then you can vote from now on without having to enter anything more than your email address.
Christina and I really appreciate all of your votes. We are counting on all of you out there! Remember you can vote every day! This week of the contest ends Monday, May 18th at 12am.
Posted by
Megan K
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Battle of the Babies
The first week of Battle of the Babies has ended. The way it works is that there will be three weeks of the contest. Each week will have a winner and those three winners will compete in the finals.
Week 1 is finished and Christina did not win. Here is the winner:

I don't want to be mean, but can I just say WHAT!!??? Do you think that baby is even cute???
Since there were something like 6,000 babies entered into Week 1, it became more of a popularity contest rather than a search for the most beautiful baby. You really have to rally your friends and family together to vote, otherwise you don't have a chance. This baby must have a lot of friends and family!
The good news is that if you can manage to win one of the Weeks, then winning the overall contest should be a piece of cake if you have a beautiful baby. At that point, it is just down to three babies and logically, the most beautiful baby would get the most votes. At least, that is what I would think.
So, Christina is now entered into Week 2. This time, I submitted this photo:

Voting will start Friday, May 8th at 8am and end Monday, May 18th at 12am. Please help me get Christina into the finals! She can take the Week 1 winner easily!
Right now the Week 2 contestants can be viewed here. For now, Christina is listed under "C", on the second line, fourth picture in. But, I'm not sure if that will change once voting starts. I will try to post on Friday to remind everyone to vote. Thanks again!!
Week 1 is finished and Christina did not win. Here is the winner:

I don't want to be mean, but can I just say WHAT!!??? Do you think that baby is even cute???
Since there were something like 6,000 babies entered into Week 1, it became more of a popularity contest rather than a search for the most beautiful baby. You really have to rally your friends and family together to vote, otherwise you don't have a chance. This baby must have a lot of friends and family!
The good news is that if you can manage to win one of the Weeks, then winning the overall contest should be a piece of cake if you have a beautiful baby. At that point, it is just down to three babies and logically, the most beautiful baby would get the most votes. At least, that is what I would think.
So, Christina is now entered into Week 2. This time, I submitted this photo:

Voting will start Friday, May 8th at 8am and end Monday, May 18th at 12am. Please help me get Christina into the finals! She can take the Week 1 winner easily!
Right now the Week 2 contestants can be viewed here. For now, Christina is listed under "C", on the second line, fourth picture in. But, I'm not sure if that will change once voting starts. I will try to post on Friday to remind everyone to vote. Thanks again!!
Posted by
Megan K
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Mister Telephone Man = Nik
Have you heard the song that Britney Spears wrote for Nik? Here are some of the lyrics for Phonography:
And I make no apologies
I'm into phonography
And I like my bluetooth, buttons comin' loose
I need my hands free
Then I let my mind roam
Playin' with my ringtone
He's got service, I've got service
Baby, we can talk all night
Let's talk about biology
Make believe you're next to me
Phonography, phonography
Talk that sexy talk to me
Better make sure that the line is free
Keep it confidential, you and me
Phonography, phonography
Dirty talk and call it phonography
I can follow
All your commands
But there will be no talk of
Adding you to my plan
I'll keep you connected
Long as you understand
That's how we should keep it
Mr. Telephone Man
And I make no apologies
I'm into phonography
And I like my bluetooth, buttons comin' loose
I need my hands free
Then I let my mind roam
Playin' with my ringtone
He's got service, I've got service
Baby, we can talk all night
Let's talk about biology
Make believe you're next to me
Phonography, phonography
Talk that sexy talk to me
Better make sure that the line is free
Keep it confidential, you and me
Phonography, phonography
Dirty talk and call it phonography
I can follow
All your commands
But there will be no talk of
Adding you to my plan
I'll keep you connected
Long as you understand
That's how we should keep it
Mr. Telephone Man
Posted by
Megan K
Friday, May 1, 2009
What a week
This week, Christina:
Fell asleep on her own for the night twice
Watched Aladdin with Daddy and in his words, looked at him with so much joy in her eyes as if to say "Why have I been watching Baby Einstein all this time, when I could be watching Aladdin!"
Waved hello to Mommy
Finished the last of her stage 1 foods, and will start stage 2 tomorrow
Stole another baby's food at daycare. She grabbed the snack and put it right in her mouth (first time she fed herself!)
Took a nap at daycare every day
Was completely healthy, not a sneeze, runny nose, cough or wheeze in sight (let's hope it stays that way!)
Stepped up her mobility another notch. Even though she still can't crawl forward, she really knows how to get around!
Stole another baby's sippy cup to play with (let's hope this stealing thing is just a phase, lol)
Turned 8 months old
Reminded Mommy and Daddy that she is the cutest, sweetest baby in all the world (as if we forgot, ha!)
Fell asleep on her own for the night twice
Watched Aladdin with Daddy and in his words, looked at him with so much joy in her eyes as if to say "Why have I been watching Baby Einstein all this time, when I could be watching Aladdin!"
Waved hello to Mommy
Finished the last of her stage 1 foods, and will start stage 2 tomorrow
Stole another baby's food at daycare. She grabbed the snack and put it right in her mouth (first time she fed herself!)
Took a nap at daycare every day
Was completely healthy, not a sneeze, runny nose, cough or wheeze in sight (let's hope it stays that way!)
Stepped up her mobility another notch. Even though she still can't crawl forward, she really knows how to get around!
Stole another baby's sippy cup to play with (let's hope this stealing thing is just a phase, lol)
Turned 8 months old
Reminded Mommy and Daddy that she is the cutest, sweetest baby in all the world (as if we forgot, ha!)
Posted by
Megan K
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