Week 1 is finished and Christina did not win. Here is the winner:

I don't want to be mean, but can I just say WHAT!!??? Do you think that baby is even cute???
Since there were something like 6,000 babies entered into Week 1, it became more of a popularity contest rather than a search for the most beautiful baby. You really have to rally your friends and family together to vote, otherwise you don't have a chance. This baby must have a lot of friends and family!
The good news is that if you can manage to win one of the Weeks, then winning the overall contest should be a piece of cake if you have a beautiful baby. At that point, it is just down to three babies and logically, the most beautiful baby would get the most votes. At least, that is what I would think.
So, Christina is now entered into Week 2. This time, I submitted this photo:

Voting will start Friday, May 8th at 8am and end Monday, May 18th at 12am. Please help me get Christina into the finals! She can take the Week 1 winner easily!
Right now the Week 2 contestants can be viewed here. For now, Christina is listed under "C", on the second line, fourth picture in. But, I'm not sure if that will change once voting starts. I will try to post on Friday to remind everyone to vote. Thanks again!!
that other baby looks like an old man.. CC can take him..easily!!