Now, introducing our little miracle . . . Gwendolyn Eve
Since Gwen was born over five weeks early, she had to be admitted to the level II nursery. She had an IV and was hooked up to a few other monitors. It was sad to see her like this, but she didn't seem bothered by it at all.

It wasn't long before she was able to start coming off the monitors and even the IV.

Mommy and Daddy got lots of bonding time with our girl.

Since she was in the level II nursery, she couldn't have many visitors. Only parents and grandparents were allowed in to see her. Grandma and Granddad were able to steal a few minutes with her. Grandpa got to visit as well, but unfortunately I don't have any pictures.

Luckily, Gwen was healthy enough to come out of the hospital only three days after I was discharged. That was great news because running back and forth to the hospital to feed her every third hour was really difficult. Between the time it took to breastfeed, the time it took to pump after, and the travel time, I only had one hour at home at a time. It was rough. Then I ended up in the ER for about eight hours the night after I was discharged and it was hell knowing my little girl was just upstairs, but I couldn't get to her. Anyway, everything was better by the next day and the day after that, Gwen came home!

Christina was at home with Grandma when Nik and I arrived with Gwendolyn. Christina was beyond excited! She kept saying "baby, baby, baaabbby". She thought that Gwen was her baby and wanted to take her. It was a little difficult trying to keep Christina from grabbing Gwen or just jumping all over her. It is so obvious how much she loves her little sister already.

Grandma and Granddad had Christina for the first night so that we didn't have to juggle the two kids right away.

We also had a few visitors.

Some more pictures of our little family, look how cute Christina is with Gwen . . .
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