Christina is doing great with the tree, isn't taking down the ornaments like she did the first day. She is keeping her distance from the presents and hasn't unwrapped one in weeks (although I have stopped her a couple of times). Gwen is watching Baby Einstein Baby Santa and we are all just in the holiday spirit.
Since we aren't sending out Christmas cards this year and don't have an official family photo yet, here is the best I can do :-)

We went to a holiday party at my college and the kids got to decorate cookies:

Nik likes to lay under the tree and look up at the lights. He has been doing this since he was a kid. He has gotten Christina interested in it and this year, he put Gwen under the tree also. They look so cute with their little legs sticking out!

Here is proof that it actually did snow!

Here are all of the decorations we have out and around the house:

I hope you all have something nice planned this year. Happy Holiday's!!!
omg! u really did decorate. I love it!